picture 1: My daughter Amy, her husband Justin and Gracie
picture 2: my stepson, Philip, his wife Mandy and children Andrew, Emily, and Connor
picture 3: my son, Kevin, his wife Debra and children Carter, Mason, and Adam
picture at the bottom: It is ME, the Christmas witch
I always feel that since becoming an adult, I miss Christmas. No one will ever know the real hell I go through to hopefully give every one a good day or two with a clean, heavily decorated house and, with help, some good food. I hope at least one person walks away with a memory or two of Christmas at our house. Each year with my fibromyalgia and age both getting worse, it gets harder and harder. I love doing it, but it really kicks my butt. We had a great time this year and the proof is in the ...... pictures.

glad we made it through the holidays!!